Dr. Shaun Duke, Professional Nerd

Editor. Writer. Professor. Host.

Reading Time

Well, for some that have been here you’ll notice that I’ve reverted to a typical blogger template. Why? Well apparently Firefox refuses to load the background image for the old version and until I can either rewrite that template, or create a new one, I have to put this up so that Firefox users can actually see the text. So, I will be doing some more editing and putting back up the ads later on.

Also, just a reminder, chapter two of The World in the Satin Bag goes up this sunday. I’ve got some writing still left to do, but it will be up. It’s a lot longer than the first chapter, so expect a little bit more to read :).

And, for the time being this will be the post for the beginning of the week. Expect few posts from now on since I’m writing and this is a blog for my blog novel :P.


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