Dr. Shaun Duke, Professional Nerd

Editor. Writer. Professor. Host.

New Podcast: The Joy Factory Monthly!

Hiyo, blog follower ninjas! In case you didn’t know, I’ve been releasing a mostly-weekly new podcast as part of the Joy Factory project called The Joy Factory Monthly. You can find the show on almost every podcatcher (iTunes, etc.), stream the episodes right here on my website, and find episodes on Acast! If you don’t […]

Capricon 41: My Schedule (Panels, Live Podcasts, etc.)

Welp. It’s that time of year for Capricon, a Chicago-based science fiction convention to run virtually this year. Capricon 41‘s guests of honor include Aliette de Bodard, Brandon O’Brien, John Jennings, Michi Trota, and Dr. Cacophonie Tamayo, all exceptional individuals in general (and within their respective fields). Needless to say, Capricon is going to be […]

Announcement: The Joy Factory is on Medium!

For those who follow me here or on Medium direct, you’ll be pleased to know that I’ve put together a space for The Joy Factory content in the form of a Medium Publication. This will create a central designed space for all of the joyful content! It also means that following me there and my […]

New Year’s Resolutions: No More Intentional Misery

2020 is over. It’s dead. Time killed it. Thank the maker. Bye bye, 2020. Go die in a fire. Now that 2021 is here, it’s time for that magic tradition that many folks following: declaring New Year’s resolutions! I’ve declared these in the past, but there have also been years where I felt disinclined to […]

The Joy Factory: A Project Primer

Welp. I did something potentially ridiculous: I started a project called The Joy Factory on Patreon, launched it, and now I’m here to explain what this whole thing is about. Here we go… What is The Joy Factory? The Joy Factory is a Patreon project designed to draw more attention to joyful things, whether it’s […]

My Worldcon / ConZealand Schedule

Things have been extraordinarily busy in the Duke compound. I’m buying a house. I finished an online college argument course. And now I find myself prepping for a whole semester of virtual classes. Thus, I have no posted much here in the last few weeks. The good news? I’ve got a ConZealand schedule to share. […]