Dr. Shaun Duke, Professional Nerd

Editor. Writer. Professor. Host.

Comics Are the Cure for the Common Cold (Or, I’m Reading Things)

Grading is done, and I’ve got a dissertation to complete so I can defend it and get a real person job. And, as with Christmas tradition, I am catching some sort of cold or flu monstrosity. This seems to be the norm for me. It wouldn’t be so terrible if the only illnesses I got around […]

2016 WISB Awards Long List

It’s that time of year:  time for me to release some kind of list of things I loved in 2015.  This year is different, though.  This year, I’m releasing a long list for the WISB Awards, and it is from this list that I’ll select the winners of my annual WISB awards, the jury-less, vote-less […]

Talking About Wonder Woman and Her “Problems”…Again

Some time back, I talked about the path I hope the studios will take for a film adaptation of the Justice.  Since such an adaptation will naturally include popular characters like Wonder Woman and Flash, I felt compelled to talk about why the studios had to approach the whole venture carefully to avoid the pitfalls […]