Dr. Shaun Duke, Professional Nerd

Editor. Writer. Professor. Host.

Guest Post: How to Characterize Christ in a Novel by Cotton E. Davis

When I presumed to make Yeshua bar Yosef (Christ) a character in my recently released time-travel novel TimeWarp, Inc., I had to make numerous decisions regarding how to portray him. The physical part wasn’t as difficult as one might imagine.  Though the New Testament leaves us with no physical description of the man, Isaiah 53:2 […]

Guest Post: “Freedom to Name” by Max Gladstone (Three Parts Dead)

Somewhere in Thailand, a mind-controlled ant climbs a tree.  She moves in jerks and starts, her body no longer her own.  Alone, she staggers to the underside of a leaf, and bites the thick central stem.  Her jaw locks.  Her chitin bulges and bursts.  A long gray tendril rises from within, unfurls to three times […]

Guest Post: “An Interview w/ Joseph de Alverado” by Jay Hartlove

JAY HARTLOVE: Hello, I am Jay Hartlove, author of The Chosen, a supernatural thriller published by Damnation Books and winner of Best Thriller by the Independent eBook Awards 2012.  Today I have here in the studio a special guest from The Chosen. I would like to welcome to the show, Joseph de Alvarado. Welcome Mr. […]

Guest Post: “The Magic of the Pacific Northwest” by Alyx Dellamonica

Why is the epicenter of the magical disaster in INDIGO SPRINGS and BLUE MAGIC physically located in Oregon? Why did I pick the Beaver State as the setting for my fictional town? I get asked this quite often, especially when I go to Portland. (At home, I sometimes get asked, “Why not Vancouver?”) I had […]