Dr. Shaun Duke, Professional Nerd

Editor. Writer. Professor. Host.

The Haul of Books 2.0: Books Received Vol. 3

It’s time for yet another edition of the Haul of Books!  I’ll have one more edition after this (and more in the future).  I’m still playing catch-up.  The last few weeks have been busy busy with school and teaching American Lit (and lots and lots of science fiction), so the pages on this blog have […]

The Haul of Books 2.0: Books Received Vol. 2

I’ve got more books for you, which is pretty awesome if you are a lover of books.  Me?  I’m a lover of books.  I love books almost as much as I love the sound of my own voice.  Wait… Anywho!  I’ve got one last edition to do after this one, and then I’ll be caught […]

The Haul of Books 2.0: Books Received Vol. 1 (Special Reboot Edition)

I haven’t done a Haul of Books thing in a long time.  The result?  A pile of books I’ve received for review which I haven’t told you all about, with a smaller pile of things I’ve purchased for myself that I also haven’t told you about.  Well, I can’t let them sit there without at […]

Haul of Books 2011: Stuff For Me v.01

Considering that I just got back from a conference in which books were involved, it seems like perfect timing to have a new edition of the Haul of Books. So, without further delay, here is the image (after the fold): And here are the descriptions, from left to right, top to bottom (taken from Amazon): […]

The Haul of Books 2010: Stuff For Me v.26 (Birthday Edition)

I suspect that this edition of the Haul of Books will be less interesting to all of you than previous ones.  Still, in case any of you are getting into cooking or care what I got for my birthday, I thought it would be nice to do a special edition to show what my crazy […]

Haul of Books 2010: Stuff For Me v.25

Some things I’ve learned over the past few months: The mailman is a moron and thinks very thick books that obviously don’t fit into my mailbox should instead be folded up and crammed in there anyway. People have my address who shouldn’t and are at least kind enough to send me things I like instead […]