Dr. Shaun Duke, Professional Nerd

Editor. Writer. Professor. Host.

A Definitive Absolutely Accurate Ranking of James Bond Theme Songs

The title says it all. Mostly. It doesn’t tell you why I have decided to put together a ranking of every James Bond theme song. I could tell you that there are great reasons for this, but I would be lying. The real reason: I’ve been watching and re-watching James Bond movies on and off […]

The Arts are the Glue that Holds Civilization Together

Something I have been thinking about a lot since the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic and its profound impact on American (and global) society is the place of the arts in our everyday lives. So many of us are binge watching Netflix or other services, reading far more than we used to, downloading comics or […]

Joy to End Your Evening

I have nothing really to say today. It’s been a long day… So instead of trying to say something interesting about teaching or research or pandemics or nerd stuff, here’s a music video that continues to bring me absolute joy. I hope it brings you joy, too!

Music Video: “Yellow” by Sarah Fimm

I’ve been getting a few music requests in the last few months and I’ve been trying to think about how to talk about them on this blog. It’s not common to find music which has a genre slant to it (soundtracks are a different beast, after all) or that contains messages influenced by revolutionary science […]