Dr. Shaun Duke, Professional Nerd

Editor. Writer. Professor. Host.

Why the SF Canon Doesn’t Exist

As is periodically the case in the SFF community, we’re once more in the midst of a conversation about “the classics.” If you’re reading this now, it doesn’t actually matter that I wrote this in 2022; this conversation happens so often that the context above could apply in any given year going back decades, albeit […]

The SF&F Canon Project, etc.

Well, I said I was thinking of doing it, and so I have. I’ve created a blog for the Science Fiction and Fantasy Canon Project. The name is changeable, but right now it suits because it says what the project is about. Now, there isn’t much there right now. I have the template up, but […]

Discussion on the SF & F Canon

It occurred to me today, while I was fiddling with my template, that we might have to start up a new blog for this canon idea. Why? Well, it would make navigating the discussion of particular works easier since navigating my site for a few related posts might be a little annoying. It’d be much […]

The Speculative Fiction Canons!

I want you! That’s right, I’m going through with this idea, but I can’t do it alone. I need help from everyone out there. I don’t want this to be a project that I do by myself, because I certainly do not have any sort of authority to do such a thing. So, I’m asking […]