Dr. Shaun Duke, Professional Nerd

Editor. Writer. Professor. Host.

Reading Time

Worldcon Fundraiser Updatery: A Flash Milestone Perk

I only need to raise $150 more in my Worldcon fundraiser, and then I’ve got every penny I need to make my stay in London reasonable.  First, I want to thank everyone who has supported me in this endeavor thus far.  You are all amazingly awesome.  There are lots of Milestone Perks waiting to be fulfilled at the moment (some take longer than others because they involve recording stuff).  I’ll get those fulfilled this summer (preferably this month, where possible).

Second, I have decided to make things a little…interesting.  Since $150 isn’t that much money, and I want to get this done ASAP, I’m running a little last minute Milestone Perk addon:

If my Worldcon fundraiser finishes by Monday, May 27th, Mike Underwood and I will record our special readings of classic works of literature/philosophy as Kermit and Yoda (respectively) LIVE.  We may even stay in character the whole time.  We may even have a conversation as Kermit and Yoda.  We may even do it on video via Google+.  We may even wear homemade costumes.  (By “may” I mean “pretty much going to do it unless we can’t for some reason”).

Right now, it looks like I’m reading Nietzche’s Thus Spake Zarathustra.  I’m not sure what Mike is reading yet, but I did see someone suggest The Candide.  Obviously, these will be excerpt readings, as Nietzche’s book is so long that my voicebox would probably explode if I tried to do the whole thing in one go.

So if that’s not incentive to donate $10 and convince your friends to do so, too, I don’t know what is!

Now get to it.  You’ve got three-and-a-half days!


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