The World in the Satin Bag

Well I changed the name to the blog because Parvulus Mens Mentis Mundus, while fascinating, doesn’t quite fit into the scheme of what I’m doing here. That and I had a stroke of creative genius at work Wednesday about the name for this YA novel I’ll be writing: The World in the Satin Bag. That’s the name of this novel. Intriguing? Interesting? Does it spark your interest at all? It did for me. Cause right when I was thinking about what I needed to write in the first three chapters, this title came into my head. I think it’s pure genius, but that’s me. How is the writing coming? Well, to put it frankly, very well. I am hoping to finish the very rough first draft of the first chapter this weekend. Then next weekend I will edit and hopefully put it up, but that all depends on a few factors:a) I am satisfied with the edit.b) I haven’t blown my brain trying to edit.c) Something terrible wrong doesn’t happen in my life.and d) I don’t screw something up during editing and make the story all weird.But, if all goes well it will be up next weekend, probably on Sunday. Sunday is also the day I update my webcomic which you can view here! It’s sort of different but I like it. Really I only do it for myself and my friends, but I have a couple of other fans out there someplace. I don’t know where, but I get hits on that page, so obviously someone other than my friends reads my comic :P.Note: My webcomic is in no way an indicator of what my fiction writing is like, so don’t be misconstrued about that. I think the first chapter is only going to be a few pages or so. Right now I have about three printed pages written. A printed page is not a type page on your typical word processor, it’s actually, on average, double the lenght of a typical word processor page. Meaning, you double space something on Word and one double spaced page is roughly the size of a printed page depending entirely on what a publisher prints: font size, page size, etc. But typically your average paperback novel page is the same as a double spaced page in Word.Anyway, so I expect the first chapter will be only six or seven pages simply because it’s the attention grabber and I want to get right to the end of it quick so you’ll be going “holy crap, what happened”. I sort of already have an idea of what is going to happen in the next chapter, but hopefully I can weave that into an interesting chapter, which will likely be just as short. The third chapter is going to be the most interesting of the opening chapters I think though. I love leaving people in suspense 😛