Another Week…

Well I’ve successfully had two great weekends this year: one was FanimeCon 2006 in San Jose, and the other was the 9th Annual Upscale Reptiles Show & Sale (a.k.a the Sacramento Reptile Show). Now it’s basically a count down to whatever else is coming up next year. I am totally doing Fanime again and I don’t know if I will do the Sac show again. I love going, but it depends on what I am doing next year. I think I might go to the Annaheim show instead when I get my snake. Anyway, so I find that during the week things really really suck. I have no time to write because I work 10 hours, I go to class for 3 hours, and then I take care of my pretty little family of reptiles. After that I’m in bed at 11 and up at 5 again, if I’m lucky anyway. So I don’t get a chance to write until maybe Friday.However, that first chapter is going up this weekend period. No doubts. I’m going to edit and post. Plain and simple. My new crested gecko is so cool. He’s so scared though :(. It’s understandable. He spent hours in a plastic container before being put in a whole new home where he’s completely unfamiliar with everything, and then to top it off he’s got some crazy giant man poking at him. I love him though. I named him Tim! It’s a cute name :). Hopefully he will calm down and be handleable in the next few weeks or so. He feels so weird! Think something soft and smooth but with sticky hands! It’s so cool when he touches your skin with the sticky pads and walks on it. Cresties jump too and have prehensile tails that can hand off of stuff. They are bizarre creatures. Anywho, so writing is going well. I will at least try to start chapter two this weekend after I edit chapter one. This weekend is going to be a calm weekend. No big plans or anything. I’m tired and need my sleep :S. Plus my animals need complete and total devotion and Grandma needs some help. So I will keep things posted and maybe put some interesting material up :).