Writing Factoid #3
Nobody asked me a question this time, though I wish people would since I know someone is reading this blog, but I figure I could put something entirely random here that won’t have any influence on the story. How To Count in the Ancient Language of TraeaThis is very similar to how Spanish is put together. So you have the first 10 numbers here.Na – OneTwa – TwoTre – ThreeFirth – FourFith – FiveFesh – SixEsen – SevenEct – EightNoc – NineNas – Ten Now, after Nas, it goes Nas’na, Nas’twa, Nas’tre, Nas’fir, Nas’fi, Nas’fe, Nas’en, Nas’ec, Nas’oc, and then Twas (for Twenty). It repeats the same after the ‘ for each ten. From then it goes to Tres (Thirty), Firs (Forty), Fis (Fifty), Fes (Sixty), Ese (like ‘essay’ for Seventy), Ectes (Eighty), Nos (Ninety), and finally Nan (One Hundred).From One Hundred on it is a different story, but now you can all count in the ancient language. Congrats. For those that actually look at the map you might notice some new things now.