Calling All Readers!

First things first, you guys really should get involved over at the Science Fiction and Fantasy Canon Project. Now, for the nature of this post. I’m very curious to know what everyone thinks are the, shall we say, ‘pioneering’ works of the following subgenres. Meaning what works do you think actually popularized these subgenres, even if they weren’t the first of their kind? Military Science FictionSpace OperaCyber Punk (anything you guys would suggest other than Neuromancer by William Gibson)SteampunkPost-ApocalypticHard Science FictionHumorous SFSoft SF (or Socio-SF)Dystopian SFPost-CyberpunkHigh Fantasy (other than Tolkien)Urban FantasyDark FantasyHeroic Fantasy (again, other than Tolkien)Science Fantasy (or Scifantasy) Any help here would be great. Varying responses would be appreciated too! Maybe I’ll have to do a poll for all these. In any case, let me know what you guys think! (Don’t click the read more, there isn’t any more after this)

WISB vBlog v.0.07

So this is my first vBlog. It’s not really all that informative, but so be it. It’s also a little behind. I finished reading The Steam Magnate by Dana Copithorne already. Oh well. Enjoy! Links:Aio PublishingEdge/TesseractF&SF Book Lovin’ BlogGraeme’s Fantasy ReviewsThe Book Swede (Don’t click the read more, there isn’t any more after this)