Dr. Shaun Duke, Professional Nerd

Editor. Writer. Professor. Host.

Reader Help!

First, I apologize to anyone who may be a bit annoyed with the frequency of posts today. I’ve just had a lot of things to write about today, partly because I’m in a rut with other writing at the moment. So, I’m hoping to get some help from readers, or anyone really. I have a […]

Update On Writing: The Lies of Venicia

A.K.A. The White     I’ve hit a snag. I’m at about 30,000 words, I have three POVs, and the story is moving right along. But I’m stuck. Why? Because I’ve hit a point in the story where I have two problems.     The first is in the POVs. There are three characters: Alan, Carl, and Eileen (to […]

200 Posts!

Well this is entirely random, but apparently my last post was my 200th post. That’s a LOT of posts. I was thinking about what to do for my 200th post, and alternately for my 10,000th hit, but I wasn’t sure what to do.Some things I thought of doing were the following: Give away a book […]

Some Useful Links…Again

This is a rather irregular feature, but so be it. I find more links than I have time to really blog about individually, so from time to time I’ll clean out my bookmarks by putting links to things I found interesting and wanted to talk about here. So, here goes:Steampunk Laptop from Datamancer! I just […]