The Good and the Bad for Jan. 2nd, 2008
We’ll start with the bad first, simply because I’d like to end on a happy note anyway. By the way, I am thoroughly convinced that when given the choice of going with the good news or the bad news first, you should always start with the bad. End happy, don’t start happy and go to bad!So, the bad: I don’t have a new place yet. I think the place I just checked out and did an ‘interview’ for won’t be picking me, so I’m still not going to have a place. Which sucks cause that place was really in a great location and a great price. But that’s life. I’m horrendously behind on things I’m supposed to be doing. My girlfriend is approximately 5,261 miles away. I still haven’t a clue what I got in Literary Interpretation because the grade hasn’t been submitted. My country is being absolutely idiotic right now. And the good: I have lots of great reading ahead of me. Paul Genesse just sent me an advanced copy of The Golden Cord (The Iron Dragon Series Book One)! I’m looking forward to it! I’ve listed a whole bunch of stuff on ebay. Go bid and buy my stuff people. It’s for a good cause. I got some awesome presents this year. Yes, I know the holiday isn’t about that, but there’s nothing wrong with being happy for what you got! My girlfriend is amazing. That’s good for obvious reasons. Umm…well I know I have other things that are good, I just can’t remember them right now. So, yeah!