Aha! Writing Updates

“Marx Ignatia” is, for all intensive purposes, finished. I have to edit it, but I’ve reached the end, I think. I don’t know if it’s a good ending, but it’s done anyway. For those that don’t know, “Marx Ignatia” (the working title) was sort of inspired by another story called “Asher”, since the character of Marx Ignatia is mentioned in that story. So I finished it at 18,003 words and now intend to set it aside for a short while before going in to editing it. It’s a long piece, so I need a mental breather.Also, I’ve finished the first draft of “Interstellar Realty”, which may be the finished title, and it is off to be critiqued. I expect that story to go out at the end of the week.Now, to the pressing matter. I finished “Life of Jordan”, but it has a lot of problems that, unfortunately, have pushed it back and off of the planned submission to Writers of the Future. The story itself is fine, but there are bits where I obviously need to clarify or add things in order to make it work better and that poses a problem: I’m supposed to be removing words, not adding them. This means I may not be able to get “Life of Jordan” down to size and it may need to be submitted elsewhere. So, it’s been pushed out of the way since I need to get a story submitted to this quarter for WOTF. That means “Interstellar Realty” is going there, since I think it is a decent story. I enjoyed it so much, actually, that the little jokes made me laugh out loud.Anyway, so that’s the writing update for the time being. There’ll likely be another this weekend. I’ve got a lot of things cooking that have nothing to do with my writing, but do have to do with interviews and the like. So stay tuned!