F & SF Magazine Subscription Offer

I feel rather stupid for not putting this up earlier. I recently opted to get a free issue of F & SF magazine to review. I’m about half-way through right now and expect to get it done this weekend to help promote the magazine. It’s actually pretty decent and I’m enjoying it thus.However, F & SF contacted me the other day to tell me there is a special offer to bloggers for subscriptions to the magazine (meaning anyone who reads this blog is eligible).Here are the two links:Regular subscription area and the Paypal subscription area. I recommend if you enjoy the magazine to get a subscription and support one of speculative fiction’s oldest and more prestigious magazines. (Don’t click the read more, there isn’t any more after this!)

Anticipation Station

I’m biting my nails off right now. Lindsey decided it would be a good idea to remind me that my story is still in the Writers of the Future Contest, Second Quarter, and also decided to mention that the honorable mentions (or most of them) are up, which means the contest is coming to a close. Why is that a problem? Well, first off, I have no idea how they deal with the semi-finals and finals, since I’ve never been there. Do they call you at the same time as the honorable mentions? Or is it right before posting? What?I’m going nuts right now because I have a feeling my story didn’t place at all, but because I don’t know for certain I have the desperate desire to know. I don’t mind losing. Really, I don’t. What I hate is realizing that some people already know their fates and I haven’t a clue. It’s…insanity. (Don’t click the read more, there isn’t any more after this!) P.S.: This is in no way an attack on the WOTF folks. They can’t really help how it works and I’m not saying they need to do a better job. They’re doing it fine. I’m just impatient.