Sunshine: Surfacing Emotion By Music

Many of you are already aware of how much I adore the movie Sunshine. It is by far one of the best films I have ever seen, but one thing that really stands out in the film is the music. No, the music isn’t complex, or entirely memorable in the same sense as Star Wars, but the way in which such simplistic sounding music can evoke so much emotion. For those who have seen the movie you’ll recognize the music and the scene it belongs to in the movie below. For those that have not seen the movie (what’s wrong with you, by the way?) I will preface this by asking you to imagine the most desperate moment ever, where one person has in the palm of his hands the fate of an entire species…and if he fails…it’s over. There are no more second chances. No more ships to come to the rescue. Mankind will die. This is that moment in the film. The pinnacle moment and one of the most emotionally devastating points for me because it forced me to imagine something so immensely terrifying, to imagine what it must feel like to be the person who must save it all…to sacrifice one’s life for the good of the many. That is how much emotion is packed into this seemingly simple piece of music…So listen with that in mind. There are still some bits of the movie left in the track, since it is ripped from the film itself, but they’re just special effects stuff. Unfortunately the actual soundtrack hasn’t been released. Enjoy. (Don’t click the read more, there isn’t any more after this)