Paul Genesse: Doing Well Indeed
I’m late to report this, for which I must apologize profusely, but Paul Genesse, my new friend who I spent several hours in San Fran with (and had a glorious time, by the way), has reported that his book, The Golden Cord, is doing remarkably well (apparently it sold out its first printing!). This, of course, has nothing to do with the fact that the book is good, he went on a wicked big tour and spoke directly to the perfect audience (kids), or that he was on TV and did various book signings, or that he is a good person, or that he’s just plain awesome. Wait…yes it does!Point is, Paul Genesse is doing well and I’m glad to hear it. I enjoyed The Golden Cord very much and expect I’ll enjoy the next book in the series and anything else Paul writes in the future. Congrats, Paul! (Don’t click the read more, there isn’t any more after this!)
Writing Is Sometimes Sad
I just realized while listening to the theme from the movie Sunshine that one of my characters in my novel in progress The White (or The Lies of Venicia) is going to die… And it almost made me cry. I really like that character. In fact, he is one of my favorite characters because it’s gritty, rough, and sweet all at once. But I realize that for him he’s going to have to make a sacrifice and that sacrifice will have to be his life…So I’m a little bummed at the moment. On a happier note: the quarter is almost over and I should be back to normal by the middle of next week. Yeah. Normal. (Don’t click the read more, there isn’t any more after this!)