Good Lord (No Pun Intended)
I have a thought for those morons in the diocese: how about you stop acting like anal-retentive, slightly mentally handicapped imbeciles stuck in the 13th century. Seriously. Dan Brown may not be the best writer ever, but he is a FICTION writer. F-I-C-T-I-O-N. Do you have any idea what that word even means? It means it’s not real. And people stupid enough to think it is real (or at least think his fictional presentation of the myth is real) are not people you should be clambering to suck up into your religious dogma. Get over yourselves and realize that people like to read books that are controversial and we like to see movies for the same bloody reason. Your attempts to stomp out “dissent” have failed over and over again. So bend over and accept that you can’t do anything about it. And, if you manage to do that, maybe you could also bend over and be flattered that someone would like to use your church as a setting in a fictional movie. Likewise, the movie is going to be made anyway, whether you let them use your churches or not. You see, Hollywood does this thing called “building sets” and it really won’t be that difficult to recreate your church. Now for a handy quote: The story drew anger and prompted calls for boycotts by church leaders worldwide with the idea that Jesus married and fathered children and by depicting the conservative Catholic movement, Opus Dei, as a murderous cult. Yes, because the Catholic church has never, ever, ever murdered someone before, right? No, not once. Heck now. That couldn’t possibly be true. Nobody died in the Crusades. That’s all just anti-religious propaganda. This is exactly why a lot of people in the world are pretty much convinced that overly religious folks are crazy. If you believe that a fictional book is real then you really are completely and utterly insane. Seek psychiatric help immediately. Please. For all our sakes.