Reading Time

Well, everyone else is talking about the books they have received, and I figure I might as well too. I have a LOT of books, as you can tell. These are all for review. Perhaps if you want to see everything else (a.k.a. my disorganized, but lovely library) I could take some pictures for your perusal. Just ask. Now, to the books I have for review. There are currently forty-three books in my review library. That’s, well, a LOT of books. I am currently reading Marsegury by Edward Willett, which isn’t pictured.
So, here we go (reading from left to right, top to bottom):

  • The Books of Pellinor (The Naming, The Riddle, and The Crow) by Alison Croggon (Candlewick Press)
  • White Chapel Gods by S. M. Peters (ROC)
  • Sentinels: When Strikes the Warlord by Van Allen Plexico w/ Chris Kohler on Illustration
  • The People of the Pole by Charles Derennes (translated by Brian Stableford of Black Coat Press)
  • Sly Mongoose by Tobias S. Buckell (who deserves a hug for giving me a print copy)

  • Saint-Germain: Memoirs (Tales of the Vampire Saint-German) by Quinn Yarbro (ESP Press)
  • Turnskin by Nicole Kimberling (Blind Eye Books)
  • Tangle (Edition XY: Fiction With a Twist) edited by Nicole Kimberling (Blind Eye Books)
  • Wicked Gentlemen by Ginn Hale (Blind Eye Books)
  • Blue Moon by Cindy Lynn Speer (Zumaya Publications)
  • The Strange Cases of Rudolph Pearson by William Jones (Chaosium Inc.)
  • Horrors Beyond: Tales of Terrifying Realities edited by William Jones (ESP Press)
  • Hardboiled Cthulu: Two-fisted Tales of Tentacled Terror edited by James Ambuehl (ESP Press)
  • High Seas Cthulu edited by William Jones (ESP Press)
  • Horrors Beyond 2: Stories of Strange Creations edited by William Jones (ESP Press)

  • Napoleon’s Gambit by Eric Goldman (the author is sending me an updated version of this)
  • Valor’s Trial by Tanya Huff (DAW)
  • The Prefect by Alastair Reynolds (ACE)
  • Galaxy Blues by Allen Steele (ACE)
  • Astropolis: Earth Ascendant by Sean Williams (ACE)
  • Grimspace by Ann Aguirre (ACE)
  • Empress by Karen Miller (Orbit)
  • Mech Warrior–Dark Age: To Ride the Chimera by Kevin Killiany (ROC)
  • Future Americas edited by John Helfers & Martin H. Greenberg (DAW)

  • The Sacred Book of the Werewolf by Victor Pelevin (Viking)
  • Saga: A Novel of Medieval Iceland by Jeff Janoda (Academy Chicago)
  • The New Mars: A Family Vacation by John L. Manning, Jr. (Authorhouse)
  • The New Mars by John L. Manning, Jr. (Authorhouse)
  • Into This Mind by Lisa Nevin (Unlimited Publishing)
  • Paradise Island by John L. Manning, Jr. (Authorhouse)
  • Where Angels Fear by Ken Rand (Fairwood Press)
  • Foundling by D. M. Cornish (Speak/Penguin)(SQT also has this book, but I told her since I bought it I’d review it too)

  • Ignore that Whitechapel Gods is in there again. Not sure why I took two pictures with that book in it.
  • Honeycomb by Israel Del Rio
  • Witness (Book One of All Prophets Are Liars) by Bill Blais (iUniverse)
  • An Idle King by J. W. Benford (Lulu)
  • The Cleansing by John D. Harvey (Arkham House)
  • The Soulstealer War (Book One: The First Mother’s Fire) by W. L. Hoffman (Dog Ear Publishing)
  • The Far Side of Nowhere by Nelson Bond (Arkham House)
  • Evermore edited by James Robert Smith & Stephen Mark Rainey (Arkham House)

And this one just came in Wednesday:
Quills and Kings by Joel Reeves (Leucrota Press)

And this one came in yesterday:

The Viper of Portello by James C. Glass (Fairwood Press)

I am extremely excited about a great deal of these titles, which makes it very hard to figure out what order to go in. I’m also please that quite a few small presses were willing to send me review copies of their books (ESP sent me SIX books!). I know you guys don’t have a whole lot of money as it is (neither do I, to be honest), but if my reviews help bring awareness to you, then great! I’ve already read works from Aio, Fairwood, and Edge, and I have to say that any negative associations with small, legit presses are unfounded. Aio has published some exceptional work on a highly literary quality (which is a treat for me, because you don’t find a lot of literary style speculative fiction). Fairwood has done well to bring an amazing collection of stories by Paul Melko together (one of my favorite books this year, by the way), and Edge has proven to be an excellent small Canadian press producing good commercial fiction (I don’t mean commercial as in popcorn fiction that shows up in all the grocery stores everywhere, though it would be nice if they had that kind of exposure, but commercial in the sense of highly entertaining speculative fiction that still tackles the tough issues!). So I look forward to being involved with other presses as well.

Thanks to everyone who has sent me books and thanks in advance to any books someone else sends me or wants to send me. If any of you know any small presses looking for reviewers, feel free to mention my name. My genre wants/likes are very open as you can see from looking to the top left column (click the link and it’ll take you to my wants, etc.).

Alright, no more babbling from me!


7 Responses

  1. There is something so awesome and giddy-making about seeing my book on someone’s TBR pile…especially in such fine company.

    Thank you very much for wanting to review Blue Moon.

  2. Well this was a treat to see that you posted a link to my book on your blog on my birthday!
    I look forward to hearing what you have to say.

  3. Very pleased to see my To Ride the Chimera in your to be read pile. I’m looking forward to hearing what you think of it. Thanks for taking the time.

  4. Sorry about the fuzziness in some of those pictures. That was my fault. I still haven’t a clue how to take good pictures with my blasted digital :P. It’s a cool camera though. I love Panasonic :D.

    Looking forward to reading your book Kevin. I’m plowing through stuff right now, trying to get as many done as possible without killing myself!

    Haha :). Glad you all decided to visit my blog though :).

  5. i know it’s repetitive, but like the others, i’m thrilled to see my book on your list, and like the others, i’m glad you’re so open to giving exposure to smaller presses and such. keep up the great work!

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