Okay, I didn’t meet Wintermute exactly. I met his creator: William Gibson. He was at the Capitola Book Cafe last night doing a reading and signing and I was fortunate to be there for it! It was fantastic. Mr. Gibson read the second chapter from his recent novel, Spook Country. It was fantastic to hear him read. His prose is simply stunning in this book!
Afterwards he took questions, which resulted in a few clever jokes being said, and then he signed books. There was a huge line and I got a copy of Neuromancer and of Spook Country signed!My friend Jennifer showed up later on and we hung out and talked. Mostly I stood there in complete awe, my two signed books clasped in my hands like tomes of mystical knowledge about the universe. At some point I got the courage to ask Mr. Gibson if I could get a picture with him, and being the cool guy that he is, he said yes!
It was fantastic seeing Gibson in person. He’s quite legendary, as you probably know.
Gibson wasn’t the only famous person there, by the way. Rick Kleffel of the Agony Column was there as well! If you don’t know who he is you need to get out more. He works for NPR and his column is a fantastic resource of intellectual interviews with authors of all sorts of books, from regular fiction to speculative fiction. And I got a lovely picture with him too! It was a great night indeed!Afterwards, Jennifer and I got something drink, shared a cookie, and generally enjoyed ourselves. Good times indeed!
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