Dr. Shaun Duke, Professional Nerd

Editor. Writer. Professor. Host.

Astronomer Left to Rot

I just stumbled upon this article and am a bit stunned by it. Charles Thomas Bolton is best known for discovering Cignus X-1 and ultimately irrefutable proof that black holes exist.And the University is booting him out claiming that the observatory he works in is of no use anymore due to light pollution. Really? Because […]

Entertainment Weekly Movie Meme

Got this from Heather’s Blethers! Consider yourself tagged if you read this! “This is Entertainment Weekly’s list of 100 Classic Movies of the past 25 years. Anyone who wants to play, consider yourself tagged! The rules: Bold the movies you’ve seen, underline or *asterisk* the ones you plan to, strike out the ones you HATE […]

I’m a Judge!

I am a judge for the Gaylactic Spectrum Awards! What does this mean? Well, I get to read and take part in deciding who wins and who gets on the shortlist. This will be my first time doing so and I’m really excited to be a part of this. For those that don’t know what […]

Destroying America (one step at a time)

Congratulations America. Really, well done. This is the man you voted in twice. How does it feel being fisted by your own government? Like warm apple pie perhaps? And before anyone gets in a tiffy over this rather rudely placed comment: I’m referring to those that voted for Bush not once, but two times, passing […]

Rambo’s Good Advice

Yup, here’s some great advice for those of you submitting your stories to magazines. It should be noted that all the points Ms. (or Mrs.?) Rambo mentions should be pretty much obvious. You know, simple things like don’t misspell the editor’s name… Check it out! It’s good advice! (Don’t click the read more, there isn’t […]