Dr. Shaun Duke, Professional Nerd

Editor. Writer. Professor. Host.

Death of a Good Friend

Discovered this over a Wil Wheaton’s lovely blog. If you don’t know who he is then learn. You’ve likely seen him before. In any case, I love you Mr. Wheaton. (Don’t click the read more, there isn’t any more after this!)

More Sanders Bologna

I’m just going to post links, because right now I’m getting exhausted by how far into the idiot hole this guy is going. Anyone still considering Helix for the publication of their work should probably get their head checked. So, here is what Sanders has been saying about the people wanting to have their work […]

Professionalism Out the Window

Not too long ago I talked about the explosion of crap that is Mr. Sanders’ rather bigoted and, well, disturbing rejection letter. Now it comes to my attention that Mr. Sanders is actually mentally handicapped in a way that most of us aren’t. We all have an inner editor, that little person that sometimes goes […]

Writing Updates

If any of you have been paying attention to the right column where I keep all my writing nonsense (which you’ll likely pay attention to now, if you haven’t already), then you’ll have noticed that I’m terribly behind. I hit a horrible slump. Yes, I had been writing (mostly blog posts), but I refuse to […]