Dr. Shaun Duke, Professional Nerd

Editor. Writer. Professor. Host.

Poll: Again and Again

The winner last time was The Naming by Alison Croggon. Now for a new poll, which should be visible on the right there. If you can’t see it the choices are: Honeycomb by Israel Del Rio Wicked Gentlemen by Ginn Hale Saga by Jeff Janoda The New Mars by John L. Manning, Jr. Feel free […]

SBS Magazine: Changes and an Idea

Well, things are changing for how the magazine is going to work. Originally I was going to publish the thing from my home, using a printer and making little “booklet” style things. Then I found out that was going to be really hard without having to buy a bunch of things to make it work […]

Hate Mail, Sanders, and Other Nonsense

Simon Owen’s of Bloggasm recently emailed me about his article discussing the broader subject of email privacy.I don’t think I’ll go into discussing all aspects of it here, because what would be the point of linking to the article if I were going to do that? I will say that my personal opinion in regards […]