Dr. Shaun Duke, Professional Nerd

Editor. Writer. Professor. Host.

Gift Cards: The Gift of Champions

This lovely post over at The Guardian is exactly why I tell my friends and family to give me gift cards (or cash) instead of actual gifts. In fact, I am adamant about requesting gift cards (or cash) from family because they, of all people, have no idea what I read or what types of […]

Twitteriffic Stuffs

Here’s my random twitter nonsense for the day: 22:07 Work it harder. Move it faster. More than ever… <—if you know the next phrase, respond to me on twitter. Seriously. # 11:48 Writing a review for Sly Mongoose and I’m pretty much drooling cause the book is awesome. # 12:00 Firefox 3.0 sucks. I went […]

Book Review Up: Sly Mongoose by Tobias S. Buckell

Well, I have another review up, this time of Tobias S. Buckell’s fantastic novel, Sly Mongoose. Check it out here. Oh, and go pre-order his new novel here. Seriously, it’s that good. Anywho! (Don’t click the read more, there isn’t any more after this!)

Networks Are Evil

Sometimes even smart people (like Joss Whedon) say things that make you go, “What?”. Mr Whedon has been filming his new TV show called Dollhouse and managed to utter this in regards to Fox not liking the initial pilot: Buffy didn’t make the fall sched, Angel got shut down when they saw the second ep […]