Dr. Shaun Duke, Professional Nerd

Editor. Writer. Professor. Host.

WBM: Notes On My World

(WBM stands for World Building Month) While travelling to San Francisco to pick up my girlfriend the other day I started considering what sort of world I wanted to build. I already knew it was going to focus on the things present within two of my short stories, so that was the easy part. I […]

RIP: Bernie Mac

I know he has absolutely nothing to do with speculative fiction, but he passed away recently due to complications with pneumonia and I felt like mentioning it. He was a hilarious man and he will be sorely missed. It came as a shocker to me because I would have never thought it could happen…but it […]

World Building Month

Apparently August is World Building Month. I suppose this is because NaNo is coming, and I’m quite excited to take part in this, even if I don’t take part in NaNo. I’ve decided to participate, even though I am late. So, what world am I going to build?Well, I’ve been thinking about this quite a […]