Want to Move: Looking for a new place.

Yeah, I’m officially looking for a new place…again. Some of you already know some of the bologna happening around here from previous posts, so I won’t bore you with that stuff. It’s just getting worse and now I’m finding out that I’m being drastically overcharged for utilities and, well, I just don’t want to deal with this situation anymore. I don’t like being taken advantage of. It pisses me off. So, I am looking for a new place in Santa Cruz, California. Preferably semi-near the university, or at least where I can take a bus directly to campus. Would like a decent sized room, low drama, and basically a stable environment where people don’t poop on the toilet and leave it like that…I have a craigslist ad here if you want to know more about what I’m looking for. Any help here, everyone, would be fantastic. I want to move by the beginning of the school year, because that’s when I’ll be paid. Thanks!

Rejection: Interstellar Realty

This one was rejected while I was on vacation, so I’m a bit late in writing about it. It was a rejection from Abyss & Apex (a good rejection, mind you). It’s already with someone else and hopefully it’ll get snatched up. Anywho! (Don’t click the read more, there isn’t any more after this!)

Rejection: Irlgem

Got a rejection for IGMS. No special notes. It’s off to somewhere else soon enough. *grumble* Lots and lots of rejections! Yay! (Don’t click the read more, there isn’t any more after this!)

WBM: General Information About the Bestiary

Since I’m going to start delving into the creatures of Altern and what not over the next two weeks, I figure it’s about time I give some general information regarding the world. So here goes: The BestiaryThe non-human creatures of Altern are all born unnaturally, meaning that they are not born through human means of reproduction or by any natural means. They are, by default, creatures of magic and myth. Humans are the only ones who reproduce; obviously by means we’re all familiar with. There you go. I know, it’s basic and what not, but so be it! I’ll also be digging more into the magic and providing a definitive definition of it. And I’ll have the five unstable substances all ironed out! Anywho! (Don’t click the read more, there isn’t any more after this!)

Ask the Bloggers Series: Question #3 (I’m in it!)

This is slightly old news now (and John did repost my responses as a guest post while I was on vacation), but I figure you all would like to see the answers to his third question, since I’m in it and so are bunches of others. A lot of great points are made and I had another silly typo. Okay, so it’s only a slight typo, since I used a real word and it can be molded to be correct, but I meant to say “mythos” instead of “ethos”. I guess I don’t know my latin as well as I thought! Doh! Anywho, you can find the answers here. The question was: In recent years, there has a been a rise in interest in the urban fantasy genre, even prompting some publishers to republish older urban fantasy works, such as Pyr’s recent publication of Stalking the Unicorn by Mike Resnick. What is your explanation for the recent rise in the popularity of this subgenre?Secondly, since the rise and fall of popularity of fantasy and SF subgenres tends to be cyclical, what subgenre of fantasy do you predict will see an upsurge in its popularity once urban fantasy is on the wane? So, anyone have any thoughts of their own? Figure I could open up to those of you who read my blog, since I’m curious what you all think! (Don’t click the read more, there isn’t any more after this!)