Dr. Shaun Duke, Professional Nerd

Editor. Writer. Professor. Host.

WBM: The Five Substances–Bunglefish

I figured I should add more about the unstable substances of my world. There are now going to be five in total, all filling different positions in the earthly spectrum (plant, animal, mineral, etc.). So, here is the Bunglefish. Location and General InformationThe bunglefish is one of the five unstable magical substances. Unlike the other […]

Winter Vacation Help

Now that my girlfriend has returned to England we are planning to meet up again over Christmas. The problem is we have no idea where to go. We’re considering meeting up half-way on the east coast and doing something over there, but since I don’t know anything about the east coast and neither does my […]

WBM: Bestiary–the Portunes

Location and General Information The Portunes are a type of faery found almost anywhere where farmland is present, though more often in rural areas as the owners of farmland around cities are less friendly to creatures of magic. Description The Portunes look like old men with long beards that they tie around their necks when […]