Dr. Shaun Duke, Professional Nerd

Editor. Writer. Professor. Host.

Ten SF Technologies/Ideas I Think Won’t Come True

The title says it all. I’ve already done a post of ten ideas that I think will come true that are from science fiction, so now for the things that I think won’t come true. Some of these are on this list because they are scientific impossibilities, and others are here because I believe that […]

Selling Stuff For Food

As the title says, I’m selling stuff so I can eat. Okay, it’s not that bad, but it’d be nice to have a few extra bucks and what not to make surviving next month easier or some such nonsense. So if you look here or click on the link that says “My Amazon Store” on […]

Star Wars: A Letter to George Lucas

Dear Mr. Lucas,This letter is in conjunction with many posts across the web–the World Wide Web, if you will, since you seem somewhat out of touch with popular culture as of late–at places like SF Signal. These posts have been about the fate of Star Wars and what could very well save it from what […]