Reading Time

I’ve decided to add some new features to this blog and discuss a couple things you may have noticed.
First, on the right there you’ll see some contributors. Those folks are people who have been most generous in offering their talents for blogging while I’m away in a couple weeks. I appreciate their help. If you’re interested in guest blogging for WISB, just let me know. Send me an email (you can find my email on the left there in the My Links section).

As for new features: I’m going to occasionally put up a random link to a website I’ve found that might be of interest. There are two coming up. This will likely be irregular. If you have a neat site you’d like me to blog about, send me an email and I’ll check it out. Doesn’t have to be specfic related, it just has to be really interesting. No guarantees I’ll blog about your site, but it’s worth a shot.
I’m also going to start doing something similar that I’ve been doing, but hasn’t been named anything yet. The website one is called “Website Found”, obviously, so the video one will now be called “Video Found”. Perhaps you have a good video you’d like me to see? Well, email me.

So that’s that. Enjoy what’s coming up (there may be other things that I can’t think of, but for now that’s it). And I mean it, if you want to guest blog, email me.


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