Dr. Shaun Duke, Professional Nerd

Editor. Writer. Professor. Host.

Introducing Adam Lowe

I feel like a moron. I haven’t properly introduced Adam, who has now become a regular commentator/blogger/whatcha-ma-person on WISB. The short version of who Adam Lowe is goes as follows:He’s the editor of the magazine Polluto over in the UK and, as his first post indicates, a soon to be published novella-ist (or novelist if […]

Romance Novels and the Elderly

I have a question: What is it with little old ladies and reading romance novels? My grandma reads them, this little old lady I met on the bus today reads them, and I know of many little old ladies that read them frequently. Is it because they are generally alone and still want a little […]

Trick or Treat?

Samhain Publishing, who have an extensive catalogue of SF/F novels, have recently switched to just doing romance and erotica.This is a real blow to the small press genre writer, although I do not blame Samhain. I’m wondering if it’s a sign of things to come. My friend, author Mike Amos, has a couple of novels […]