Dr. Shaun Duke, Professional Nerd

Editor. Writer. Professor. Host.


There’s not a lot to say about this day. For Americans it has a lot of importance, being one of the few days in our history where were literally grabbed and shook violently awake. Those metaphorical hands brought our attention to the fact that we’re not perfect, we’re not entirely safe… With this day in […]

Heinlein Used Form Letters?

Over at io9 they have an article about Heinlein’s use of form letters for correspondence. Say what? I’ve heard of form letters for publishers and editors, but for correspondence? Did the guy really get that much fan mail? That’s just amazing! I hope I get that much fan mail some day! Anywho! (Don’t click the […]

Writing: More Analysis On Myself

I’m now starting to work in a new direction. Well, that’s not entirely true. What is happening is I am switching a bit on where I’m placing my focus. I’ve spent a lot of time focusing on short stories. While I don’t believe that is an entirely negative thing I have noticed that this focus […]