Secular Heaven?

Can I please go to secular heaven when I die at the tender age of 4,312 ? It just looks like a fun place, don’t you think? Who wouldn’t want to play volleyball with Einstein? For those wondering how I’m planning to live over 43 centuries: nanotechnology and lots of pills. I suspect there will be an Apple iPill one day and a handy device called the iMed that will cure you of diseases. Then there’s the iShot and the iScan, which will do wonders to keep us all healthy until some disgruntled employee with a broken iMac creates the iFlu and screws everything up. Yeah. (Don’t click the read more, there isn’t any more after this!)

Book Review Up: Wicked Gentlemen by Ginn Hale

Well, another book review is up. You can read it here. I really liked this one, by the way. So read the review and decide for yourself if you like it. Just a note: Blogger is being really weird right now so if you notice anything going on that I’m not aware of, such as comment posting issues, page viewing issues, etc., please let me know. Thanks. (Don’t click the read more, there isn’t any more after this!)

Missile Silo + Retirement = Coolest New Home Ever

A home built out of an old missile silo! This is possibly the coolest thing to be made out of old military crap ever! Do I want it? Yes, oh god yes!Can I afford it? Nope. It’s probably millions upon millions of dollars and I doubt they’d take my old book from the 1800s as collateral. Someone buy it for me. Please. I want it! (Don’t click the read more, there isn’t any more after this!)