Dr. Shaun Duke, Professional Nerd

Editor. Writer. Professor. Host.

Secular Heaven?

Can I please go to secular heaven when I die at the tender age of 4,312 ? It just looks like a fun place, don’t you think? Who wouldn’t want to play volleyball with Einstein? For those wondering how I’m planning to live over 43 centuries: nanotechnology and lots of pills. I suspect there will […]

Book Review Up: Wicked Gentlemen by Ginn Hale

Well, another book review is up. You can read it here. I really liked this one, by the way. So read the review and decide for yourself if you like it. Just a note: Blogger is being really weird right now so if you notice anything going on that I’m not aware of, such as […]

Missile Silo + Retirement = Coolest New Home Ever

A home built out of an old missile silo! This is possibly the coolest thing to be made out of old military crap ever! Do I want it? Yes, oh god yes!Can I afford it? Nope. It’s probably millions upon millions of dollars and I doubt they’d take my old book from the 1800s as […]