Book Review Up: Dust by Elizabeth Bear

Well, I have another book review written and you can see it here. This is the second novel I’ve read from Elizabeth Bear and hopefully I’ll get to read some more from her in the future. Enjoy!

Rejection: Archaeopteryx

Well, after being super excited that I got another honorable mention in the Writers of the Future Contest, I’ve been brought back down to earth by a rejection. “Archaeopteryx” is one of my flash pieces. I’m thinking of perhaps submitting it to a literary magazine next. We’ll see. So, my honorable mention moment was short lived. Sad? Not really. This is just the way it is in the writing business, or rather the I’m-an-amateur-writer-trying-to-get-his-foot-in-the-door business. That is all. (Don’t click the read more, there isn’t any more after this!)