Dr. Shaun Duke, Professional Nerd

Editor. Writer. Professor. Host.

This Is Not the Great Depression x 2

Take this into account before we all start tossing our cookies and thinking the world is crumbling into another Great Depression and the U.S. is going to fall apart, or that life is ever so hard right now: 1930sPopulation: Roughly 123,000,000 (census was taken in 1930, so there will have been growth)Unemployment Rates: In 1930 […]

The Imagination Problem

It seems fiction has, for the most part, fallen to the wayside in favour of reality TV shows, biographies, ghost-written star stories and factional retellings of stories we’ve heard a million times before. The majority of TV and many of the books in the bestseller list have a compulsive fascination with the ‘real’, attempting a […]

Show Review: Sanctuary (the pilot episode)

I decided on a whim today to watch the pilot episode of Sanctuary itself because I absolutely, positively hate commercials, and particularly hate the commercials on the Sci (online rather than on Sci FiFi channel). I’ve heard a little bit about the show and was curious, although I probably should have been reading instead. Regardless, […]