Dr. Shaun Duke, Professional Nerd

Editor. Writer. Professor. Host.

LoudTwitter Went Nuts

I tried to give LoudTwitter another shot and it went completely bonkers on me and posted almost 20 posts of the same tweets. I’m sorry to anyone who had to see that in their feeds. Please forgive me! It won’t happen again, I hope. (Don’t click the read more, there isn’t any more after this!)

Twitteriffic Stuffs

Here’s my random twitter nonsense for the day: 10:32 @ikkepagrasset Yeah, the Sci Fi channel can be really annoying…BSG is so good, why can’t they repeat that model? # 10:33 About to head off to class, but started a new short story called "Door". It’s completely and utterly bizarre and came out of nowhere… # […]

Broaching the Education/Science Problem (one stop at a time)

The other day I had a rather unusual experience while walking downtown on my way to the bus stop and ultimately home up in the lovely forested mountains. It started in front of Borders. There was a crowd and some really big things sitting in the middle of the sidewalk. It occurred to me, after […]