Petition Against Prop 8: Sign Up!

Those of you who have strong opinions regarding Prop 8, please sign this petition that will be sent to the Governor. Let’s do everything we can to make California a fair state! Thanks!

Comments Policy Readjusted

Comments are back to normal. The person responsible emailed me and apparently we both were misunderstanding the intentions behind the comments. He thought he was offering criticism and I thought they were attacks/trolling. Problem resolved and no hard feelings! You may comment at will now. Or not. It’s up to you.

Prop 8: A Set of Faces

For those of you who voted for Prop 8, this post over at The Swivet does what I was planning to do: put a human face on the object of your hate. That’s just to give an idea of the kinds of people you’re actively trying to degrade and push to the bottom rungs of society, just like the generations previous did to black people and other non-white peoples. Remember that. No matter how hard you try to dislodge yourself from racist discourse, you are bed buddies with the same racist, hateful, prejudicial bigots that did everything they could to keep black people from being the same as white people in any way. Remember that. (Don’t click the read more, there isn’t any more after this!)

Policy Change on Comments

I apologize if this is an inconvenience to those of you who properly use the anonymous-comment option, but due to a certain individual being less than cordial and mostly being annoying I have had to change my policy on comments. Only people who have some sort of Open ID account (or Blogger, or something like that) will be able to comment. I know this will mean that some of you won’t comment anymore, but if this certain someone (and I know who you are, by the way) were not so cowardly to make annoying comments behind a mask of anonymity I wouldn’t feel the need to do this. The policy may change in the future, but for now I simply don’t have the patience for people that either don’t read my blog and randomly show up to comment on random threads or, for whatever reason, feel like being comment-trolls. Have fun wasting time in someone else’s comments section. Thank you. P.S.: For those that have strong opinions about this and really want me to change it back, feel free to email me. Maybe I’m just overreacting. (Don’t click the read more, there isn’t any more after this!)

RIP: Michael Crichton recently announced the Michael Crichton has passed away (I didn’t even know he had cancer, which is probably true of a lot of people). He was only 66. You all might remember him from things like Jurassic Park or Congo. He will be missed and my heart goes out to his family. (Don’t click the read more, there isn’t any more after this!)