Dr. Shaun Duke, Professional Nerd

Editor. Writer. Professor. Host.

Veterans Day: Pay Your Respects

Because they deserve it. This is a day to give a little back to the men and women who defend this country with their lives every single day, who volunteer to be a part of that and die so we can have our freedoms. Remember that. Give a hug to a soldier today. It might […]

Keith Olbermann and Prop 8

Stuff like this will trickle in from time to time. Here is Keith Olbermann discussing Prop 8 and gay rights. I feel taken aback by how well he articulates his point (far better than I could). Enjoy: Anywho! (Don’t click the read more, there isn’t any more after this!)

Inside the Blogosphere: Question #10 (I’m in it!)

Number ten is up and you can find it here. The question this week: Does the very nature of science fiction (as opposed to fantasy) automatically preclude fair treatment of religion? Must religion always be seen as an outdated and outmoded way of thinking, or are there authors who can and have included religion (whether […]