Christmas: Some Gift Ideas

Well, Christmas is right around the corner, so I thought I would plug some YWO merchandise to anyone interested. Here are a couple items that your favorite geek, social malcontent, or funny shirt person might enjoy (please note that all shirts come in men’s and women’s and you can adjust them somewhat by color or style if you decide you want to purchase one): “You can trust me. I’m from the Internet!”Comes in light colors (men’s and women’s) and dark colors (men’s and women’s) and would go well with your favorite collection of Firefox bookmarks and Wikipedia nonsense. Plus, it’s funny! “I’m not spamming. I’m posting vital information. Just very quickly. Using only one word at a time.”Who said that spamming wasn’t a good thing? Wait…nevermind. Comes in light colors (men’s and women’s) and dark colors (men’s and women’s)! And there are many more things at the YWO Zazzle Store! Check it out and get your favorite person a nice gift!