Video Found: The Mysterious Stranger by Mark Twain
I don’t know if this is the only adaptation of Mark Twain’s short story, but it’s certainly the creepiest. The short story isn’t quite the same, but this should give you a general idea! (Stolen from Chrononautic Log):
Post-Christmas Shopping Guide: Book Edition
Christmas is over and you’ve got a handful of Borders, Amazon, or B&N gift cards to use (if you’re lucky). So what books should you buy with them? Well, here are my suggestions of a few titles you might want to consider in your post-Christmas shopping madness: The Golden Cord by Paul GenesseThis debut fantasy novel has everything you need to tickle those fantasy taste buds. Action, adventure, magic, and more. It’s all there to keep you entice from start to finish! Wicked Gentlemen by Ginn HaleNot all the books you buy this year have to be fun fantastic romps, do they? Some can be simply stunning quasi-fantasy stories involving the deeper meanings of relationships as they pertain to a society of clashing peoples: Demons and Inquisitors. If you’re into some tough love in the fantasy genre, then this is certainly a book you should consider. After all, nothing wrong with a book that makes you really think, is there? Sly Mongoose by Tobias S. BuckellZombies in space. That’s the line I’ve been pitching to people for this book and it’s just as important now as it was then. This book is the first in a series of loosely connected space opera novels by a fantastic Caribbean author. If you don’t like jumping into the middle of a series, however, consider snatching up Crystal Rain and Ragamuffin, each equally unique and action-packed stories following some of the same characters. Spaceman Blues by Brian Francis SlatteryThink literary fiction meets pulp fiction (not the movie) meets science fiction. It’s different, it’s beautifully written, and it taps into all the little glimmers of gold in all those genres all at once. Or maybe you’re not into all that adult stuff. Well, how about some young adult fantasy? The 13th Reality by James DashnerA brilliant start to a brilliant new series. Magic, quantum physics (and don’t let that scare you!), strange individuals, and quirky fantasies, this is surely a good book to satisfy those urges for something to fill that Harry Potter void. Leven Thumps Series by Obert SkyeIf quirky is your thing, then the Leven Thumps Series is right up your alley. Nothing can be more strange than the world Mr. Skye has built for this young adult universe. Take Clover, a small, large-eared talking creature that can turn invisible and has what amounts to an endless void in which he stores various unusual things! Quirky? I think so, and fantastic! Or, if you’re into neither straight fantasy or straight science fiction or young adult fantasy, then perhaps you’re into alternate history. Ha’Penny by Jo WaltonIf you haven’t read Farthing, then I recommend you do so. But if you have, then Ha’penny is a well written and deeper continuation of an alternate world in which England and Nazi Germany made peace instead of duking it out. A terrifically despondent world and a story written like a 1930s detective novel! These, of course, are just a few suggestions I can make. If you don’t see anything here, however, you should consider checking out SF Signal’s enormous Mind Meld (part one, part two, and part three) on best genre works consumed this year! You can also find my reviews of the above books either in my Book Reviews label section, at Shelfari, or at Goodreads (feel free to add me as a friend at those last two locations). Happy shopping!
Twitteriffic Stuffs
Here’s my random twitter nonsense for the day: 00:53 New blog post: Twitteriffic Stuffs # 00:53 New blog post: Merry Christmas From WISB # 09:44 @Mulluane @SheilaRuth yeah, probably a better idea to talk to the publisher… # 09:44 @Mulluane You’d probably contact the marketing people. # 09:45 @SFDiplomat Do you have a link to the PKD thing? # 09:45 Merry Christmas everyone! # 10:08 @tychoish Chinese is always good, my friend. # 11:45 @Fantasy_Art If it’s buried good and well in my tweet, I’ll just ignore it. If it’s REALLY important, though, I’ll always respond. # 13:16 We’re about to start on Christmas dinner! Or tea as my fiance calls it, because she’s from Yorkshire and they call dinner tea there… # 13:16 And yes, it confused the heck out of me when she kept saying "I’m going to have some tea." # 14:18 I just joined the scifi_writers Twitter Group and you can too. Please Retweet. # 14:24 I just joined the sffauthors Twitter Group and you can too. Please Retweet. # 14:25 I just joined the writers Twitter Group and you can too. Please Retweet. # 14:26 I just joined the writingblogs Twitter Group and you can too. Please Retweet. # 14:26 And yes, that is enough spam tweets from me! # 14:37 Tomorrow’s order of the day: Book shopping. # 14:37 Borders, Santa Cruz Bookshop, and Logo’s! We don’t have a B&N, unfortunately, but those three stores are all downtown and all awesome! # 14:38 @ediFanoB I’m going to go through all those book reviews eventually. Plan to make a hug list of blogs to link to and subscribe to! # 15:14 @ediFanoB I assume you speak German, right? I wish I could read German. Some of my posts were picked up on German sites. # 15:21 I think I’m going to do a bit of writing once I finish these two book reviews. I’ve got a story to submit to WOTF and "Door" to finish. # 15:29 @johncramer Re-tweeting is when someone takes a twitter post and re-posts it on their own twitter (at least that’s what I see it as). # 18:10 @Fantasy_Art Well I’m relatively new to twitter so I think the tweet was only a few days old and I don’t recall if I got a response. # 18:11 We’re watching 10 Things I Hate About You because the fiance has yet to see it and it’s a relatively funny movie. No science fiction, tho # 19:38 @tobiasbuckell I knew it. After all those doctors poking you you’ve started to de-evolve back into a neanderthal! # 19:39 @tobiasbuckell Quick, read something highly intellectual to get your human brain back! # 19:39 @KenMcConnell What book would that be? # 19:42 @Mulluane I am not a nut! I’m a rare form of grain, thank you very much! Nuts aren’t nearly as useful as I am! # 19:48 @Mulluane Yes, I am rare and wonderful. # 19:49 @Mulluane Yeah, but being well done just is a good thing. Comes with age and all that. # 19:57 @Mulluane I didn’t know you had a readers gizmo on facebook…send me an invite on FB! # 20:01 @Mulluane Thanks. Don’t know why I’m not a part of it already…but want to be! # 20:03 @Mulluane Aha, so if I’m a part of it you have nothing to complain about! Ha! # 20:11 @Mulluane Well I am now! # 20:12 @Mulluane I just need one more to get my feed…having problems getting it though… # 20:28 Hey Twitter: Join my blog network on Facebook! Please…pretty pretty please. # 20:51 @Mulluane Oh, whoops, I need 20 for stats 😛 # 20:51 @Mulluane What’s really sad? # 20:53 @Mulluane Well that certainly is sad! # 21:18 I’m looking forward to tomorrow when we go book shopping! # 21:24 @Mulluane Not sure, to be honest. Just sort of going to see what deals there are, etc. # 21:35 @Mulluane Will do. I’ll probably blog about all my book purchases over the holidays, since that’s what I’m getting out of my xmas money! # 23:22 @Mulluane Nope, constructive advice is always good. # Thanks for not exploding. Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter (Don’t click the read more, there isn’t any more after this!)