Video Found: The Emperor Gets a New Job

This video is hilarious! Can you imagine actually having to explain what happened to the Emperor when he was chucked down that shaft? Check it out: What do you think?

The Haul of Books Volume Five

And for another installation of The Haul of Books, I have a few more of those books I got from my good friend. It’s probably not a surprise at this point that I don’t actually have any room in my room for any more books (at least, not until I organize). Enough stalling from me, here are the acquisitions:First up are the following: Under the Healing Sign and The Magic and the Healing, and The Gnomewrench in the Peopleworks by Nick O’Donohoe, Hades’ Daughter and by Sara Douglass, Gods’ ConcubineThe Varayan Memoir by Rick Shelley, and Blade Dancer and Beyond Varallan by S. L. Viehl.And then there are: The Wounded Hawk by Sara Douglass, Destiny, by Elizabeth Haydon, Cloudbearer’s Shadow by Ann Marston, The Nameless Day by Sara Douglass, Sword and Shadowby Ann Marston, and The Wayfarer Redemption, Enchanter, and Darkwitch Rising by Sara Douglass.And there we go. What books have you bought/received lately?