Dr. Shaun Duke, Professional Nerd

Editor. Writer. Professor. Host.

SoD Chapter Four: Of Traditions Doubled

Laura remembered falling, but she couldn’t pinpoint when she had struck the water. It had all happened so fast, and yet so slow at the same time. Where she was at one moment seemed ages from where she was before and in that time she found herself even more confused, for instead of striking the […]

The Facebook Fiasco Has Ended: Terms of Service Back to Normal

Well, it looks like all our kicking and screaming has paid off. The Facebook folks have gone back to their original ToS. Additionally, discussions on the issue have caused the following bits to be written for clarification purposes: 1. You own your information. Facebook does not. This includes your photos and all other content. 2. […]

Atwood Boycotts Dubai

Emirates Airline International Festival of Literature in Dubai will now be down one world-class author after it banned a book containing a gay character. Atwood, author of The Handmaid’s Tale, was to be amongst over 60 prestigious authors attending the event, but since the organisers decided to ban Geraldine Bedell’s The Gulf Between Us. In […]