Dr. Shaun Duke, Professional Nerd

Editor. Writer. Professor. Host.

The Haul of Books: Volume Six

Well, as per usual, I have more books to mention.  I’m still working through the various books handed over to me from my friend.  So here goes: This batch includes:  Knight Life and Sir Apropos of Nothing by Peter David, Fools by Pat Cadigan, The Baker’s Boy and A Man Betrayed by J. V. Jones, Nobody’s Son by […]

Bringing the Ball To You: The Audience

Some formal complaints have been made and some things I fiddled with turned out to basically be as useless as I thought they would be (I’m looking at you Adsense). The honest truth is, I’m finding ads to be wholly insufficient.  I’d love to have more relevant ones (such as the occasional ad from publishers). […]

Random Freelance Woes

It’s been an interesting night, what with my friend ceasing her employment at my current freelance job due to some logical reasons that I generally agree with, my worrying about how to pay for graduate school because I don’t have rich parents to offload thousands of dollars onto me, and my considering the various ways […]