Reading Time

Bringing the Ball To You: The Audience

Some formal complaints have been made and some things I fiddled with turned out to basically be as useless as I thought they would be (I’m looking at you Adsense).

The honest truth is, I’m finding ads to be wholly insufficient.  I’d love to have more relevant ones (such as the occasional ad from publishers).  I find Google’s policies on ads and the like to be rather ridiculous considering that their ad model is literally one of the worst I have ever seen.  They need a targeted ad system, one which allows users to have full control over what shows up on their sites.  But as far as I know, they don’t.
So, complaints have been made and things that will not be happening include Adsense and the paid post thingies.  This is why I have readers:  you can tell me when I cross the line.  I have crossed that line, and now am backtracking.
In fact, I want to use this space to ask for any other comments from readers.  What don’t you like about WISB?  What do you like?  Seriously, I want honest opinions.  If you despise something, tell me.  If you like something else, tell me.  I want to understand why you come to WISB and what might make you leave it.  Your opinion matters and changes will be made if there are things that really need to go to preserve whatever it is you find most appealing in this website.
So let me know!

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