Literary Meme: 50 Bookish Facts About Me
Stella Mutatina had a post not too long ago about the very same thing and I thought I would steal it for my blog. Anyone wanting to do this for their blog is welcome to. Call it a meme or simply something random and entertaining to do! Here goes: My favorite book of all time is 1984 by George Orwell. I’ve finished one novel, which is posted here (called The World in the Satin Bag). I have two novels in the works, with another I abandoned long ago (a historical fiction novel set in WWII). I have more unfinished work than finished work, which proves that I’m a very bad writer indeed. I’ve read a lot more fantasy novels than I have science fiction, yet I talk more about the latter. This is probably due to the fact that there isn’t a lot of science fiction meant for young adults, so most of the genre reading I did when I was younger happened to be variations of horror (in the fantastic vein) and fantasy. I’ve slowly begun to find literary fiction more interesting, although not all of it and only pieces that have some sort of unreality to them (magical realism, or slightly strange stuff). I consider literary fiction that pays too much attention to its language to be the mark of a pompous writer. Salman Rushdie would be a prime example of this, even though I wrote my senior paper on Midnight’s Children (it was sort of unavoidable). If it isn’t already obvious, I believe that science fiction and fantasy are the best genres of fiction in existence. Period. End of story. The Legend of Huma by Richard A. Knaak is the first full-length, high-fantasy novel I ever read and it also happens to be one of my favorites. I absolutely love books. The result of this is that I have more books than I can possibly read unless I retire and spend the rest of my life reading, which won’t happen for obvious reasons. There are few smells that I think are to die for. Pne of them is that “new car” smell and the other is the smell some new books have (not all, obviously, since some smell like feces, but some smell so good they’re addictive). I’m notoriously stubborn when it comes to my writing. I’m working on it and improving, but I suppose the first step is admitting it. Someone very close to me who isn’t just a friend loves books as much as I do, but reads far more than I do and makes me feel horribly guilty as a result. I have a stack of magazines (one of the ones from UC Santa Cruz) sitting on one of my bookshelves. I intend to eventually bring it in to school to distribute, but I’ve been surprisingly lazy on that front. I rarely read books based on recommendation. I’ll often read them if I ask for a recommendation, but if someone simply tells me something is good, I’m not likely to get to it, at least not for a while. Referring to #15: I also will officially ban a book from my reading list if someone repeatedly pressures me to read it. I cannot stand being pressured to read a book, because it ruins the reading experience for me. Referring to #15 and #16: I will almost never read a book that gets a lot of hype (that I’m aware of). This is why I probably never will read Twilight or the myriad of other super popular books out there. I read Harry Potter because I liked the first movie, not because everyone said it was the greatest thing since sliced bread. I think prose that is intentionally too simple is sh*tty prose. Prose should never be too simple. Referring to #18: Of course, I also hate prose that is intentionally overly complicated. That’s just as sh*tty as overly simple prose. I believe that books were handed down to mankind by a god (not a Abrahamic one or any god mankind currently knows about; I suspect it’s a god that doesn’t exist, which is far more interesting when you think about it). All the talk about reading declining and yadda yadda is a load of bullsh*t and the people who spout that nonsense know it. Do your research; you’ll know this just as well as I do as soon as you know the facts. I’ve read most of the Bible more than once even though I’m not religious. Not sure why that matters, but thought it was worth mentioning. I have a giddy reaction when I get books in the mail that I didn’t order (like when I’ve won books or a publisher has sent me one). Books with ragged-edged pages are my favorite. They remind me of old books for some reason. I have a strange love for writing in third person present. I don’t know why, it’s just fascinating. I happen to have twenty-one movies on my DVD rack that are adaptations of novels or short stories. Granted, some of them are terrible adaptations, but that’s besides the point. If you want details, leave a comment. I have a really old mythology dictionary my grandma gave to me that is one of my most prized book possessions. I hardly ever use it, but I love the thing so much. It’s just…old and wonderful and probably the best mythology dictionary/encyclopedia I’ve ever seen (I think it’s primarily Greek and Roman, though). I have ten college readers that are non-returnable and non-resellable because they are printed by the college and not re-used…ever. Some of them I will find uses for in graduate school, others will eventually be recycled when I have the guts to get rid of them. Last year I was a judge for the Gaylactic Spectrum Awards in the novel category. It was an awesome experience and I hope to do it again one day. I am co-owner of a website for young writers called
SF/F Links: Early May Batch
Here are a few links to start off May. Hopefully you’ll find them of interest. Here goes: John Ottinger has another edition of Inside the Blogosphere up (w/ me as one of the contributors). The question this week was: “What is your reviewing process? Take us from the moment you receive a book till you post the final review, and the how, why’s and wherefores of that process.” The Antick Musings has a fantastic list of sales figures for various genre titles. You should definitely check it out. Book sales are still alive and kicking. And you might find a new book to read! Check out some of this gorgeous fantasy comic art! (Thanks to SF Signal) Here’s an interesting list of post-apocalyptic novels. Some of these I’ve never heard of and if you’re into that genre you might want to give them a look! Storytellers Unplugged has a list of twenty-five things about being a writer. (I think I got this one from SF Signal) Bits of Ink has an interesting post about blogging, books, and the future which might be worth taking a look. Such interesting topics such as getting paid to give positive reviews show up there. Here is some really in-depth discussion of cyborgs and postmodernity (and other literary mumbo jumbo). Damned Conjurer asks: why is science fiction looked down upon? Delany has an interesting essay on race and science fiction in the New York Review of Science Fiction. Might be worth checking out. The Spectacle asks: what makes good science fiction? What do you think? Book Giveaways: Savvy Verse & Wit has a copy of Tea and Other Ayama Na Tales by Eleanor Bluestein up for grabs. And there you have it!
The Universe, the Library, and Everything
I spent several hours in the library yesterday, avoiding human contact because I promised I would do so in order to curb any potential of my catching swine flu or some other wicked demon disease launched upon the Earth to wipe out mankind. That wasn’t the only reason I was in the library, though. I’m still working on my research project and have been digging up books I still need to read in order to get my brain in the right mindset to write the 25+ page monstrosity that will be the finished product. The reality is that I think this paper will cross the 40-page mark, since as of this moment, with only the intro and one section (of about six) completed, I have about 8 pages–and those sections will be receiving extensive edits and adjustments over the next few weeks. But this post isn’t entirely about that. Actually, it’s about how awesome libraries can be. One thing I find incredibly useful about UC Santa Cruz’s library (and the UC library system in general) is how many books you have access to and on what subjects: pretty much all of them. Books they don’t have they can purchase, and students (and non-students too) can borrow books from any library in the system, drastically increasing the size of the UC library’s catalogue. And don’t get me started on article databases…because there are too many of them to count that I have access to as a student. Hopefully I will have the same access wherever I go next. I’ve never been a big library guy. I support libraries and think they have a tremendous amount of value in society, particularly for kids who don’t have money to toss around on books, but since I stopped being a book person for a while in my life (and have only come back in the last seven or so years) I haven’t really made good use of libraries until now. Obviously that has changed and I suspect that I will be spending more time in UC Santa Cruz’s library over the next few weeks (my last weeks, actually). Needless to say, I love the library. A lot of the books I’m finding I need for my research project are ones I can’t get for a reasonable price–lots of academic books that run $50 to $100 easily. Many on science fiction and subjects related to the Other, (post)colonialism, imperialism, empire, etc. With that in mind, I thought I’d ask all of you what kind of experiences you have had with your local library? I know that not all libraries can be as well-funded as a university one, but still, they are great places to find books and information. So tell me about a recent library experience you had, or, if you don’t go, say why you’ve never been.
Rejection: Nobody Gives a Crap About Compsagnathus
This is certainly my month! This rejection was actually not a bad one, though. They had this to say: “While an interesting subject and some decent characterization, the point of this story fails to meet our expectations. What are you speculating on by writing this story? Work at making this a stronger focus in the story rather than the interplay between a funder and a researcher.” Not bad, but not necessarily good, and they said to keep them in mind for future submissions. I intend to, actually. Not sure what I will send, though. In any case, this piece is off somewhere else!