SF/F Links: May and a Half!

Another roundup of links for the month of May. The interesting stuff keeps coming and coming. So here goes: Redneck Catholic talks about military science fiction and some classics in the genre. The Other Side of the Story has some great advice on how to write stories the follow the antagonist rather than the protagonist. Will Shetterly talks about anti-racism, which might be worth a look if you’re interested in discussions on the subject of race. Tor.com asks whether alternate history is science fiction. I don’t think it is, except in certain cases, but that’s neither here nor there (or is it? I don’t know, I just say things that sound right sometimes). Attention science fiction writers: these are the 7 unnecessary science fiction worldbuilding details you might want to take note of. Seriously. Jeremiah Tolbert has a short list of four excellent tools for writers. Definitely some good stuff in there. Love books? Me too. Which is why this collection of images from some interesting bookstores around the world made me squeal. Giveaways: So Many Precious Books, So Little Time is also joining in on the Asian Heritage Month giveaways here and the Latino Book Month here. If you read this and decide to enter, please let them know you found out about it here. Ultimate Book Hound has a copy of Sea Changes by Gail Graham to give away. Review From Here has a copy of Stephenie Meyers’ The Host up for grabs. Reviewer X has a copy of The Chosen One by Carol Lynch Williams to give away. You can also see Steph’s review here. BSC Review has a copy of Jeff VanderMeer’s Secret Lives up for grabs. Cool stuff. Oh and it’s signed! Jenn’s Bookshelf has a huge lot of 20 books up for grabs. Holy moly! Win a copy of Blood Ties: Season 1: DVD [reg 2] and a signed proof of The Cold Kiss of Death at Suzanne McLeod’s blog to celebrate her book’s upcoming release on 16th July 2009.

Rejection: Nobody Gives a Crap About Compsagnathus

Yesterday was an excellent day to get rejected.  I got two rejections yesterday.  The first is for the story mentioned in the title for this post.  The editor had this to say: Thanks for sending in your story “Nobody Gives a Crap About Compsagnathus,” but I’ve decided not to accept it [I cut the mag’s name out because I’m not sure if I should keep such things]. The writing is well done, but the idea for this one just didn’t connect with me. Good luck to you with it and thanks for the look. That’s a decent rejection in my book. Anywho, it’s off to some other magical place, wherever that may be. Toodles!