Dr. Shaun Duke, Professional Nerd

Editor. Writer. Professor. Host.

Reader Question: When to Think About Endings

GothixHalo recently asked: When you are writing is it better to have the ending already worked out or to have it work itself out during the process? There’s no proper way to answer this question. How you write endings is entirely up to you based on what works best. Some writers have them worked out […]

Rejection: Archaeopteryx

Another rejection!  Unfortunately it was a form rejection, but considering what the magazine just went through I suspect almost everyone is getting forms right now. Oh well, I’ll be submitting to a new magical place shortly.

Rejection: To Paint Lords Green

The second rejection I had yesterday was actually far more positive than the other.  “To Paint Lords Green” is a fairly new story that I finished editing on the 15th.  In any case, it will be going off to some other fantasy place.  But the good words were as follows: This is a perfectly good […]