Blogging on a Busy Schedule

The argument some people have about not blogging is basically the same argument made for not writing: I just don’t have the time. Bullsh*t. Everyone has the time to write or blog, it’s just a matter of actually setting aside that time to do so. You can devote a few hours a week easily to blogging and get a lot done, depending on the kind of blog you’re running and what sort of content you want to use. Whether you want to post daily, a few times a week, or once a week, you have the time and all it takes is setting it aside for the express purpose of blogging. One important thing you should do before blogging, and something I didn’t do, unfortunately, is consider what you want to blog about. Take a moment to lay out what topics you want to cover, consider developing a handful of “features,” and then get started. You can learn everything else as you go. But you should ask yourself first and foremost: is this what I want to do? If you really don’t want to blog, then don’t. There’s no reason you should have to do it, just as there’s no reason that you have to write. You write because you want to and like it, not because it’s a demand on your person. The same is true of blogging: you do it because you want to. Don’t treat blogging as an obligation, but as something fun. If you can’t do that, then it will show. Blogging is, in some ways, an art, and to force yourself to perform in something you really aren’t interested in is not a great way to develop that art. But, if this is what you want to do, then don’t use pointless arguments to get out of doing it. Do you have 10 minutes to spare? If you do, then you can blog. If you don’t, find a way to create those ten minutes. Understandably, blogging can take up a lot of time, particularly if you want an exceptionally active blog. Thankfully the blogging community is incredibly supportive and it’s not hard to find people willing to offer free advice or to give you a helping hand. But you’re not going to get anywhere at all by saying you don’t have the time or the resources, whether you’re an independent bookstore like I discussed here or just someone wanting to blog about whatever; everyone has time, just some of us want to use it for other things. But there are always a few minutes here, or a few minutes there. How you use them is up to you. Here are some situations and options: On the Road Bring a tape or digital recorder and writer your content verbally while in your car. You can transcribe it in a matter of minutes when you get home, or ask a friend or significant other to do it. Public Transportation Bring a laptop or a pad of paper. No reason why you can’t write on the bus or the train. And it takes only a matter of minutes to type something up that’s already been written. Work Two Jobs Use your breaks at work or find a few minutes elsewhere to spend each day blogging. No Internet Use a public library. See? It’s not that hard to find the time. This applies equally as well to writing in general, but I’m using it here to illustrate a point. There’s no such thing as not having the time when it comes to writing or blogging. Usually that is an argument used to prevent oneself from acknowledging that he or she doesn’t want to do it. But if you do want to do it, well, what’s stopping you? Takes no more than ten minutes to set up a blog with free hosting. You could be started in no time! What do you all think about this? Any thoughts on blogging on a busy schedule? Advice? Feel free to leave a comment.

Story Wordle: “Once a Dream Did Weave a Shade”

This is a Story Wordle for a story I originally wrote for my international cyberpunk class during winter quarter. I like how it turned out. It’s kind of neat and reflects the story in a way. Anywho, have you done any Wordles? If so, let me know!