I’ve been mulling over this idea for a while, but finally have decided to put it together. Since I am a fan of the small press I’ve decided to offer free image advertising to any small press AND a free text link in my blog roll. There are separate requirements for these two forms. To get a link in my blog roll all you have to do is fit the following:
- You’re a speculative fiction (science fiction, fantasy, horror, magical realism, and related) press that at least publishes something other than erotica (if you publish erotica, but also publish non-erotica, that’s fine).
This means that any small press can get a free text link in my blog roll, which makes it easy for me to find you all, because there are so many small presses out there.
However, if you want an image ad, you need to fit the following guidelines:
- You pay your authors OR
- Your publications send proceeds to charities
- You publish non-erotica and are a speculative fiction (science fiction, fantasy, horror, magical realism, and related) press (if you publish some erotica, that’s okay)
Here’s how it will work:
- Send an email to arconna[at]yahoo[dot]com telling me who you are with an image for your ad attached (no larger than 234 x 60).
- Ads must not be animated (they’re annoying, sorry).
- Ads must not contain pornographic images, nudity, foul language, or excessive gore.
- Ads will run for a month only, and then you have to renew, unless there is nothing to take your slot.
- Ad spaces are first come first serve beginning on the 1st of every month. This means that you may not permanently have the space, but must go back into the line on the first so another press can get a shot. Since it’s free, I think that’s fair.
To get an idea of how it will work, here is an example:
Joe, Jim, Jane, and Jill are all small presses. Joe and Jane send me an ad first, followed shortly after by Jim and Jill. During Month One, Joe and Jane will have an ad displayed, and during Month Two Jim and Jill will have an ad displayed. Joe and Jane may renew their ad for Month Three if they so desire, in which case they will show up once more in Month Three, unless someone else came along before them to claim the slot.
Hopefully this makes sense. In any case, if you are interested and are a small press, feel free to send me an email to arconna[at]yahoo[dot]com letting me know. This is completely free, so it’s a great opportunity for some free advertising.
(This post may change in the future as I fine tune things, but for now, I think that’s fair. If you are a small press or an author published by a small press, please spread the word about this. It’s free advertising to help support the little guy.)
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2 Responses
I approve. VERY VERY cool. If I get to the point of having advertising on my website(s) I may very well follow suit!
Thanks :). If you could spread the word that would be awesome. Trying to get a lot of small presses involve, since it’s free advertising.